Monday, December 29, 2014

Editing Is Hard

My name is Scott, and I am Chris's longtime friend and brother-in-law. Chris invited me to contribute to this blog, so here goes.

I've done a fair amount of writing, and now that I've finished my first draft of this book, I'm finally, for the first time, trying to edit one. Let me share a few things I've learned over my long minutes of toil.
1. Editing is hard.

One of the skills I've learned in writing is to get the words down on the page. You have to shut down that voice in your head that says, "You can't", "Your writing is stupid," or "Your laptop battery is at 5%." Okay, you need to pay attention to that last one...

But with editing, I have to let that voice out, and he kinda hates me and my book. Also...

2. I have no idea how to edit.

When I was writing this book, there was a lot of stuff that didn't work, but I put off fixing it because a) I only had a month to write the novel (National Novel Writing Month, check it out), and b) even the stupid parts add to your word count (seriously, check out National Novel Writing Month).

But now I'm stuck with all that writing, the good and the awful. Anything I cut out, I probably have to replace somehow. Do I correct the spelling and the grammar or completely rewrite the scene? Should the hero turn left or right? How does the love interest have a peg-leg in Chapter 2, but run a marathon in Chapter 8?

So that's where I am. Do I have a point? No. I'm saving all my cogent points for my novel.

But if anybody needs a peg-leg...

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Chapters 1-3 Complete!

Well, this week I was able to add 1,513 words to Chapter 1, filling in the section I mentioned last week: introducing the antagonist for the novel. it was a grisly scene, and hard for me to research and write, but I think it will serve its purpose: to introduce a demon who is totally committed to the suffering of as many humans as possible. That brings my progress to 3/11 chapters complete @ 18,474 words. Here's an excerpt from chapter 1:

Finally the seemingly unending line came to an end, and the skinless figure paused, tensed, and finally screamed out, a horrid piercing shriek of hate and anger.
“What was that for?” Measgrim asked evenly.
“You always were an unfeeling bastard, Measgrim. Feeling is what I do… but this massacre, as much as I enjoy it, is too slow. Dying one at a time is too good for these human vermin. We must annihilate them in throngs, hurt them by the millions, curse them by the billions…” His skinless face had worked itself into a frenzy of pure hatred, each individual muscle bunching and tense without its covering of skin, his teeth barren and exposed in his perpetual lipless smile. “And I know how. Come with me.” His eyes sparkled, with the color of a black hole. “There is one we can strike, and annihilate not only its line but the hope of hundreds of thousands as well.”

Measgrim broke into a rare smile, with all the charm of rigor mortis. They spread their wings, which filled the room with bat-like skin and scales, and with one unison beat, had vanished as if pulled from existence.

For those of you also writing, chime in on your progress this week. I'd love to read some blurbs of your creativity. Keep it up and you'll make it to the end!

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

My Muse


My biggest fan. This wouldn't be possible without you, Alley. I love you!

Seriously,  if you don't have a strong WHY, you won't make it through a process like this. Dig way down to find your reasons. Why must you write this book? Write them down and put them in front of you. Post them here. Your Why will drive you toward your goal. It becomes inevitable.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

First Progress Report

So after taking inventory of where things stand on (for the purposes of this blog) I'll call the Seraf novel, here is where I stand: I have outlined the novel in 11 chapters, and have written most of chapters 1-3, and 1 1/2 pages of chapter 4. All that I need to do to finish chapters 1-3 is to flesh out a scene that needed to be added to chapter 1. So that is where I will start this week. Then, on to chapter 4.
If anyone out there needs some encouragement to take on a big writing project like this, I can strongly recommend The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson. it has been one of the main inspirations for me to get going on this novel. I hope it helps you as much as it helped (and continues to inspire) me.

Follow the Blog. Join the team.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

The Youngest Seraf

The story begins like this:
            "The sound of rushing wind, a rapid taking of breath, was the beginning. Immediately he was aware of the surrounding light. It was brilliant, even penetrating, but not blinding, and it surrounded him and held him. It invited him to be enthralled by its depth and meaning, but after a moment it began to fade from the saturating and penetrating intensity to a simple, revealing warmth. It surrounded him, held him, and observed him. But still it revealed no detail as to where, or what, he was.  Only one thing was clear: He existed. An instant before, he had not. Now he did. And he was surrounded by light."  -Chapter 1, The Youngest Seraf.

I'll try to tease you with some more excerpts as I go. Gotta write some more before I can reveal too much.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Out of the Frying Pan and into the Closet

I turned my last assignment in two days ago, and I am eager to begin. Grad school was fun and everything, but my real calling is to write. I have been working on my first story for a while now: I have a couple of chapters written and a good outline. But its time to take it to the next level. I want to have a solid draft of my first novel by June 1. I hope many of you can join me on this journey. I need the company. Grad school deadlines are a powerful motivator, and I want to work just as hard now on my story. In the absence of deadlines, I am hoping you all will be my accountability as I put pen to paper in the age of information. Will you help me?

This is my posh writing studio,  AKA my closet. The hanging clothes dampen sound very well. From here I will launch my future writing career.  I'd like to have my first complete draft finished by June 1. I am on chapter 3 right now. Oh, yes, I am not sure about a title. Maybe you can help me as we go. The story is about a newly-created angel who has to learn his trade, and in doing so one of his wings is cut off and he is stranded on earth for a time.