Wednesday, December 10, 2014

The Youngest Seraf

The story begins like this:
            "The sound of rushing wind, a rapid taking of breath, was the beginning. Immediately he was aware of the surrounding light. It was brilliant, even penetrating, but not blinding, and it surrounded him and held him. It invited him to be enthralled by its depth and meaning, but after a moment it began to fade from the saturating and penetrating intensity to a simple, revealing warmth. It surrounded him, held him, and observed him. But still it revealed no detail as to where, or what, he was.  Only one thing was clear: He existed. An instant before, he had not. Now he did. And he was surrounded by light."  -Chapter 1, The Youngest Seraf.

I'll try to tease you with some more excerpts as I go. Gotta write some more before I can reveal too much.

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